Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mushrooms in Our Backyard?

  The other day my mom was cleaning out in the backyard. My mom told me to come outside with her  to hang out. As I was walking around the backyard I spotted these round curvy looking things on the grass. I am thinking   it might be just dried up leaves and I am also thinking that those things like mushrooms. So out of curiosity I asked my mom what they were and my mom in a matter-of-fact way said those were mushrooms. I was so shocked because it is not meant to be there and also because I didn't know mushrooms could grow randomly in a person's backyard. Then I was grossed out for some what reason. And no my parents did not plant it there if you were wondering about that. I later asked my mom why she can't use it. She said that it might be poisonous.It is amazing how it can look like a regular mushroom but it is actually poisonous.
  My point of the story is to say that our heart is like a backyard where you can grow anything that you want but sometimes in our hearts there could be poisonous mushrooms - things that we didn't know were there. Things that we discover later in life and realize that they were never supposed to be there. It can be bitterness, unforgiveness, or jealousy. It can look alright but you really have to dig out and see if it really good and useful. Do you have those poisonous mushrooms in your life? I know I do - a lot actually.Clean out your backyard (not the real one unless it is really messy )today and look for those things that are not supposed to be there because we all have things that aren't meant to be there.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The "S" word

    I currently have 4 classes this semester. World History, PreCalculus, English 2 Honors, and Spanish 1. These classes are hard and I am wondering how hard a college will get if this class is hard.
    A lot of people who knows me know that I tend to stress over the little things.  My innumerous gray hair can explain that.I have been stressing for the past couple of days and I was telling my friend that I am so scared that I will get an ulcer by the end of the summer. Obviously I won't because people face bigger stress than I do but it feels like at times things are going over my head. Yesterday right before I went to school I opened up my bible and this verse came up: Isaiah 41 : 13 : "For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." This verse was an encouragement for me because I realized that I have someone by my side who will help me. I hope you realize that too. Don't let stress take a toll on you. Enjoy life and always know that  there Someone beside you.


Couple of days ago my teacher asked us to say what we are good at and what we are not good at. When my turn came up I said that I am not good at explaining things.
   I can be the type of person who can make people who are around me so awkward. At times it seems as though people don't really understand me especially now because I bit my tongue really hard the other day.
  I can tell a story and go nowhere with it. At times I wonder if people wished that they could take back the past two minutes instead of listening to a pointless story told by someone. I bet there are also people in your life.......people in your life that no matter how pointless your story is they still sit and listen. They have heard you say many stories but they still take time to listen. Time that they wish will last forever- not because of your story but because of you. So for all those people out there who feels a bit awkward like me know that there is always a true person in your life who will have an open ear because they love and care for you.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Today school is starting and part of me is excited but the other part of me is nervous thinking " Can I do all of this?" It also seems like a fresh start this year and I can start with a clean slate. So I decide to make a list of goals that I want to achieve this school year.

Goal 1- Do my best : I am going to do my best and not compare myself with others.

Goal 2 - Pass most of my classes with an "A".

Goal 3 - Be more kind to people.

Goal 4 - Lose some weight ( That has been there for a long time) - I want to lose a little bit of weight and fit into jeans without having my leg stuck in it.

Goal 5 - Make all of my school lunches ( That is going to be a hard one ).

Goal 6 - Eat breakfast : I tend to skip my breakfast and I realized that it is a bad thing.

These are some of my goals and hopefully I can achieve most of them. How about you?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Thoughts of Regrets

     I believe regret is a strong feeling and it either break you or help you make better decisions in life. I believe that regret can be a good thing sometimes because it can shape up how a person make decisions in  their life. There are also disadvantages to it too and I am sorry if I sound like a downer but I feel like it has been on my mind for a while. I think regret can make you feel stuck as if you can't go on until you go back and change what happened. I wish that I could go back and change some things in my life. I wish I could go back and apologize to those people that I have hurt. I wish I could go back and change the person I was then instead of using hurtful words and actions to hurt a person. I am scared that my actions might have made them feel bad about themselves or create thoughts that should not even go through their mind. I could go on and on about all the things I want to change but I know I can't. I can't beat myself over and over again for did or didn't happen. So I am going to do the only thing I can possibly do which is to apologize for what I did or didn't do. I think it is a lesson that I have learned - to be careful of my words, actions, and thoughts. I am also learning that I can't change the past and that I need to somehow forgive myself of what I did to move on. To all those who feel the same way, forgive yourself and ask for God's help. Also, if you see that person again take the time to truly apologize with your heart. Take the time to admit of your failures and your short comings because at the end of the day we are all humans.